A guide explaining how to cook with the flames of indignance.
Armed and ready to high-five the righteously indignant, The Growler Collection is ideal for any and all who revere the empowerment our sacred rage bestows upon the unjustly violated. For those who have been falsely accused of duplicity, then gaslit into believing our rage reaction is the byproduct of our culpability. For the truth seekers that continually encounter hypocrisy within the institutions that were once venerated for their integrity. For the scapegoats who realized too late that we were pinned with taking one for the team that never handed us a jersey in the first place. The Growler Collection sees you, hears you, supports you, and validates you. Your rage belongs to you, and your rage is the core of combustible energy that will provide you with the strength to defend, protect, and escape the monstrous people and environments creating these emotionally debilitating experiences. Anger is a useful energy when corralled into productive channels.
The Growler Collection is about taking back your stolen power and preventing any further violations of your mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical autonomy. Your emotions belong to you, especially your anger. When used productively, anger is your greatest ally and your greatest asset in overcoming oppressive people or circumstances. However, this power can be usurped by outside forces or we can be brainwashed into suppressing ourselves, thus eradicating the very mechanism that not only indicates boundary violation, but provides us with the energy to protect from further intrusions. The Growler Collection is here to dismantle the stigma of rage as well as empower people to take back their sovereignty and sanity.
The Growler Collection began alongside the PSARC Collection in 2016. As with the PSARC Collection, one might suggest this body of work slowly percolated over the years prior to its inception, repeatedly distilling itself through the heat of passion into a potent tincture with caustic capabilities. For what The PSARC Collection lacks in its humorous exertion of frustration through the absurd, the Growler Collection makes up for unmitigated fury.
Updates for The Growler Collection can be found on social media. There you will find brief bursts of rage as well as announcements regarding convention appearances, finished books, and merchandise ready for purchase. If you are interested in getting a Growler tattoo, please email me to set up a consultation for a private viewing of the entire portfolio. Custom ideas are also welcome, but I reserve the right to veto any unruly concepts.
What started as an exercise to approach image generation from a conventionally masculine direction, quickly devolved into a platform for accommodating my unmitigated rage. I initially wanted to tap into the innate power of these designs with the hope that they would strengthen my ability to create bold, recognizable, and timeless images to adorn the body, but instead I found myself at the precipice of a cliff I couldn’t circumvent. Years of pent up frustration found their outlet in timeless, American designs once relegated to soldiers who sacrificed themselves to fight seemingly insurmountable, foreign wars. Their time has come and gone, but it became apparent that a new generation of fighters were preparing to take up arms for a battle to regain sovereignty of our emotional borders.
Forged in the cauldron of my anguished generational trauma, systemic disparity, and shit luck, The Growler Collection took inspiration from various American Traditional flash pieces created between the 1940’s and the 1960’s. My weapons of choice were the Sakura Identi-Pen marker, and black Prismacolor Colored pencil. All of the images are hand drawn, then scanned and digitally mirrored using Adobe InDesign.