Fortune Flame

A byproduct of owning our right to noble pursuits of pleasure.

  • Anyone who gravitates toward topics or imagery involving sensuality, sexuality, dark surrealism, and psychedelia will likely appreciate the Fortune Flame Collection on a superficial level. However, this project is best suited for adults who are interested in exploring the factors that influence relationship dynamics as well as the factors that influence the ways in which we express our sexuality.

  • The Fortune Flame Collection is about finding the strength to draw up our last ounce of energy to persevere in the face of a seemingly insurmountable task. For the first time in my life I had the courage to thoroughly examine my perception of relationships, intimacy, and sexuality. I spent years avoiding the topic because my history of sexual trauma would inevitably cripple any ability to face the mental and emotional distortions resulting from my unprocessed pain. I was determined to heal yet plagued by a swarm of innumerable questions. How does someone rekindle a healthy desire for love and intimacy after surviving sexual assault? How do we begin to restore our power when the concept of power is negatively associated with our predator’s control over us? How can we reintegrate our identity after grooming behaviors have shattered trust in ourselves? How can we strengthen healthy bonds in our relationships if we inaccurately associate disgust with meaningful connection? How can we be present for another being if our overwhelming fear of betrayal leaves us constantly dissociated? There are many more questions to consider in my personal exploration, but hopefully I can gain some lasting peace and insight as I meticulously dissect this personal inventory. The Fortune Flame Collection provides me with a safe space where I have absolute sovereignty as well as the freedom to command a faster, slower, deeper, or gentler pace, and my rules dictate how the climax of my desired outcome is to be achieved.

  • I began amassing sketches for the Fortune Flame Collection in 2019 while working for a tattoo studio, but the project truly blossomed while working from my private studio during the 2020 pandemic’s quarantine. As my sketchbook continued filling with images, I realized the tattoo industry had irrevocably changed my creative process from initial conception of ideas to final execution of tangible artwork. The Fortune Flame Collection is the byproduct of digesting a decade of labor in the tattoo industry along with merging the original skills that initiated my art career. This realization led me to pause and consider documenting another pivotal milestone in my life. Shortly thereafter, the curiosity to explore my personal narrative, as well as the courage to share this new story with the world, evolved into what the Fortune Flame Collection is today.

  • Updates for the Fortune Flame Collection can be found on social media. There you will find intimate confessions as well as announcements regarding convention appearances, finished books, and merchandise ready for purchase. If you are interested in getting a large scale tattoo inspired by the Fortune Flame Collection, please email me to set up a consultation for a private viewing of the complete portfolio.

  • I vividly remember the moment when I set my intention for the Fortune Flame Collection. I had consciously devoted years to progressing as a professional tattoo artist, but felt disconnected from my individuality. Once I accepted this realization, I knew I was ready to begin developing my authentic voice as a tattoo artist. Therefore, it was imperative that I create a flash collection indicative of my personal style while designing anatomically flattering tattoos for responsible execution. The Fortune Flame Collection is my first attempt at truly owning my voice as an artist and storyteller through the tattoo medium. It is a privilege to have reached this turning point of my career in the tattoo industry, and I am eternally grateful as well as indebted to the people who have mentored me along the way. My goal is that this body of work will not only showcase the culmination of my efforts in the industry, but dually honor the people that brought me into this spectacularly rewarding world as well as ushering me through its ups and downs.

  • After my emotional explosion following The Growler and PSARC Collections, I felt compelled to collect myself in order to reformulate my methods of image generation. I yearned to revitalize the procedures that catalyzed my Liminal Creatures Collection, while incorporating the illustrative and design techniques I learned from the tattoo industry. Every piece from the Fortune Flame Collection begins with a hand drawn sketch created with a point five, non-photo blue, lead filled, mechanical pencil. The finished sketches are then scanned, outlined, and digitally colored for a final black and gray mock-up. The sketch outlines are then resized to a larger format, then prepared for transfer onto archival paper, at which point I begin a color study with watercolor and colored pencil. The final form of The Fortune Flame Collection has yet to be determined, but I am excited to see its progression.

