
A cosmic rendezvous with dark matters of the soul.

  • Tirelessly validating any unsubstantiated tantrums, the PSARC Collection is ideal for those who need to vent but don’t quite have the words to articulate the amassed emotions that are ever so slowly crushing their spirit. Stop caring about the unachievable perfectionism you force yourself to execute every fucking day. Here is a cast of characters that are as sloppy as the days we stay inside and order an array of breakfast foods delivered to our door while rotating in and out of those sweat puddles on our mattress. Cheers to the shameless absurdist buried deep in our hearts.

  • The PSARC Collection encompasses a cast of interstellar misfits that won’t judge you for the locations of your sweat stains or the hours of doom scrolling that consume any potential for a social life. These unlikely heroes celebrate the small wins and soothe the sting of our impending sense of failure that relentlessly accumulates with the passage of time. We are but mortal specs floating amidst the vastness of space, clinging to the lie that we must access unlimited human potential within our lifetime, regardless of the cost. In this physical reality we do what we can, when we can, where we can, largely based on circumstances that were not in our immediate control or even in our realm of understanding. That being said, the PSARC Collection is here to honor the very nature that makes us perfectly imperfect.

  • The PSARC Collection roughly began in 2016, but some might say is started long before I had the means to articulate my frustration with so much of American society’s toxic indoctrination of people into its outdated template of cultural, economic, political, and philosophical expectations.

  • Updates for the PSARC Collection can be found on social media. There you will find brief interludes of humor as well as announcements regarding convention appearances, finished books, and merchandise ready for purchase. If you are interested in getting a PSARC tattoo, please email me to set up a consultation for a private viewing of the entire portfolio. Custom ideas are also welcome, but don’t get cocky.

  • Why does any good artist develop a collection of artwork? To challenge the status quo. To infuse their generation with unbridled genius. To passive aggressively confront the boss that told them they would be better off as a barista. Or the mentor that told them their artwork had no soul and they were wasting their time with personal projects. Or the parent that wished their child had just found someone to marry because, of course, there is no way for an artist to successfully support themself. Etcetera…

  • One might ardently theorize about the impact of the Big Bang and how that catalyzed the moment which brought you to read this very sentence. Right here. Right now. But on a more practical note, the original PSARC Collection was hand drawn with none other than the Sakura Identi-Pen marker. The images were inspired by American Traditional Flash created between the 1920s and the 1970s, and what started as an exercise in the basics of tattoo design slowly evolved into the pretentious fever dream I like to call the PSARC Collection.




The Weikenings