Growler : A Brief Intro

The Growler series is an offshoot of the PSARC Collection where I could intentionally shelf my rage. This was the first series of images where I began pouring my unfiltered aggression onto the page.

Initially my character designs would often involve creatures presenting more passive posturing, but this became the first exploration of how hopelessness can sometimes induce rage instead of paralyzing numbness or sorrow.

For the first time I allowed myself to be angry and surrender the fear of losing stoic composure while righteously exorcising feverish outbursts of rage.

Melting heads splitting apart at the seams or imploding in on themselves showcased my fear of being consumed by unbridled anger.  Years of conditioning had indoctrinated me into suppressing any outbursts in retaliation to boundaries being violated, blatant disrespect, slanderous lies, or downright bullying from my perpetrators.

Culturally and societally, many of us have been conditioned to mute ourselves, our opinions, and our very existence in the face of transgressions. We have been robbed of this vital life force that fills us with energy that we can constructively wield, but instead we are trained to swallow a poison that might have provided the antidote to our suffering.

Energy to defend ourselves in constructive ways, energy to escape dangerous people or environments, energy to clearly assess our circumstances and calculate a plan to ensure our safety.

For those of you that resonate with The Growler Series and would like any number of these images for your corporeal adornment, please click the booking button below.

Thank you!


Love Letters #3
