Liminal Creatures
A world of nightmares aching to bask in the light of day.
I believe that anyone is welcome to enjoy the Liminal Creatures Collection and their corresponding stories. However, people who naturally cultivate a uniquely attuned awareness to their surroundings and the hidden worlds between folds in our realty, will likely enjoy this project with added zeal.
Liminal Creatures are beings that can be found transitioning between worlds. Each is assigned a specific undertaking designed to aid humanity. These undertakings must be completed in order to successfully atone for their trespasses enacted in past incarnations. Whether or not they achieve these requirements is yet to be seen, but the moment their contract is fulfilled, their journey out of darkness begins.
The Liminal Creatures Collection was initiated in 2009 as an exercise to sharpen my skills as a draftsman. I was only allowed to start and finish an image using a Bic ballpoint pen. These simple parameters were originally intended to challenge my ability to conscientiously execute marks on the page. Once I began sharing this otherworldly cast of creatures, I realized the potential to explore their individual stories and promptly set out to bring them into existence.
Updates for the Liminal Creatures Collection can be found on social media. There you will find teasers for the individual character storylines as well as announcements regarding convention appearances, finished books, and merchandise ready for purchase.
I have always been intrigued by the natural as well as the supernatural worlds we navigate. The probability of unseen dimensions and beings existing in our universe is a fascinating thought experiment. The Liminal Creatures Collection slowly evolved into a way for me to explore the lives of entities that reside on the cusp of our reality as well as the nature of their paradigm versus ours.
The original designs were hand drawn with a Bic ballpoint pen on paper. The succeeding artwork for the short stories will also be hand drawn on paper, but the final medium for the graphic novel is yet to be determined.